Sunday, January 18, 2009

Skidaway Island Pinpoint Doppler

Not only have we added more updated weather information and radar images, the Skidaway Island Weather Center has access to more than 140 Doppler radar sites around the United States. This capability, used in conjunction with all the different weather radar products, allows us to monitor, track, and interrogate precipitation (e.g. thunderstorms, showers, etc.) and large-scale synoptic weather features. During severe weather season, this computer application gives us the ability to streamline different data and upload that onto our web server for your accessibility. You are able to view weather radar, surface observation, and severe weather information. Below are several images showing the capabilities of the Skidaway Island Pinpoint Doppler. The first demonstrates a four-panel display of both base reflectivity and base velocity (with both having a different scan elevation tilt equaling four images). The second shows storm tracks using publicly-available SCIT data from the National Weather Service NEXRAD.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These radar images are great. They provide significant data and accurate information.

Keep up the good work Skidaway Weather!